This Years Pick: Go Go Endurance Li Mobility Scooter
There are many, many four-wheeled mobility scooters on the market, yet Southeastern Medical Equipment is excited to offer what we feel is one of the best out there: Pride Mobility’s Go Go Endurance Li Mobility Scooter. The Go Go Li Endurance is chocked full of features that make your life easier, but it is also simple to operate. What’s more, it is quite affordable and extremely reliable compared to other mobility scooters in its class. In order to give you a better idea about why we love the Go Go Li Endurance Li Mobility Scooter, we have provided for you the following review. There is no doubt about it: we feel the Go Go Li Endurance is a wonderful machine.

Go Go Endurance Li Mobility Scooter

Go Go Endurance Li Mobility Scooter
The Low-Down
Just like all of the scooters in the Pride Mobility line, the Go Go Li Endurance is a top-of-the-line mobility device. What separates it from the pack, however, is that it one of its standard features is a lithium ion battery; hence the name “Go Go Li.” This battery gives the scooter extra life compared to other scooters of this size. The Go Go comes in at a feather-light 93.5 pounds (without the batteries). However, the lithium ion batteries weigh between 8 and 12 pounds depending on if you are using the 8AH batteries or the 16AH batteries. Either way, these lithium ion batteries do indeed increase your range at full charge. The smaller 8AH battery pack will get you 7.2 miles, while the 16AH will get you twice as far: 14.4 miles. What’s more, these lithium ion battery packs have a fast charging time. Charging is conveniently done since the dual charging ports can be done on- or off-board. Finally, the battery life of lithium ion is much longer compared to lead acid or sealed gel battery packs.
As mentioned before, the Go Go Li Endurance comes with plenty of the bells and whistles—especially the ones you’d expect from Pride Mobility. To begin, it has a maximum speed of 4 miles per hour. That is about the speed of a brisk walking human. The scooter disassembles into 5 pieces; the heaviest piece weighs 40.75 pounds. It features a 325-pound weight capacity and a ground clearance of 3.25” with CTS suspension. The Go Go Li Endurance was truly made for smooth travel in mind since it is (aptly named and) will “go” nearly everywhere you would want it to “go.” Not only will it fit conveniently in the back of a van, but is it designed with air travel in mind since the lithium ion batteries are airline approved.
Comfort and Safety
The Go Go Li Endurance is also a very comfortable mobility scooter. The seat is compact and foldable. Plus, it has flip-back armrests and the seat height is adjustable. The CTS suspension is designed to give the Go Go Li Endurance more comfort while in motion, while the delta tiller features an ergonomic wraparound handle that lets you control the scooter with one hand. This allows one to rest their wrists while driving.

Go Go Endurance Li Mobility Scooter
Accessories & More
The Go Go Li Endurance has multiple accessories: for example, it has a cane clip attachment, walker holder, and cane/crutch holders. There is also a cell phone and drink holder, as well and a rear oxygen tank holder. Also, the Go Go Li Endurance comes standard with a basket in the front and high-intensity LED headlights. Finally, the Go Go Li Endurance has a lifetime limited warranty on the frame; 2-year limited warranty on the electronics and braking system. For more information about the Go Go Li Endurance, come by our store at 1512 Red Bud Rd Suite 4, Calhoun, GA 30701 in the Food Lion Shopping Center for a demo.